Code guidelines

Here you’ll find the code guidelines which you need to respect when developing at CollectiShop.


// Every function has a clear name, type hints and return types
function randomFunction(int $parameter): float
    return round(($parameter / 100), 2);


// A function returns as quick as possible
function validateField(Field $field): bool
    if (empty($field->getName())) {
        return false;

    if ($field->getType() === "email" && !filter_var($field->getType(), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        return false;
    return $field->isValid();

One responsability

Example of bad code

// Every function has its own responsability, so this is a bad
// example
function getPrice(float $price, bool $format = false): float|string
    if ($format && floor($price) === $price) {
        return "\$ "  . number_format($price, 0) . ".-";
    } elseif ($format) {
        return "\$ "  . number_format($price, 2);
    return $price;

Example of good code

// Every function has its own responsability, so this is a good
// example
function getPrice(): float
    return $this->price;

function getFormattedPrice(): string
    if (floor($price) === $price) {
        return "\$ "  . number_format($price, 0) . ".-";
    return "\$ "  . number_format($price, 2);

Use of constants

Bad example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function isRemovable(): bool
        if (in_array($this->getId(), [1,2,3])) {
            return false;
        return parent::isRemovable();

Good example


class Foo extends Bar
    public const FIRSTPAGE_ID = 1;
    public const SECONDPAGE_ID = 2;
    public const THIRDPAGE_ID = 3;
    public const PAGEID_LIST = [

    public function isRemovable(): bool
        if (in_array($this->getId(), self::PAGEID_LIST)) {
            return false;
        return parent::isRemovable();

Avoid (unnecessary) “else”

Bad example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function validateData(array $data): bool
        if (empty($data)) {
            $isValid = false;
        } else {
            $isValid = true;
        if (!isset($data["success"]) || $data["success"] === false) {
            $isValid = false;
            $success = false;
        } else {
            $success = true;
        return ($isValid && $success);

Good example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function validateData(array $data): bool
        $isValid = false;
        $success = false;
        if (!empty($data)) {
            $isValid = true;
        if (isset($data["success"]) && $data["success"] === true) {
            $success = true;
        return ($isValid && $success);

Avoid (unnecessary) multilevel if-statements

Bad example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function validateAddress(array $address): bool
        $isValidAddress = false;
        if (!empty($address)) {
            if (!empty($address["zipcode"])) {
                if (!empty($address["housenumber"])) {
                    $isValidAddress = true;
            } else {
                if (!empty($address["addressline1"])) {
                    if (!empty($address["addressline2"])) {
                        $isValidAddress = true;
        return $isValidAddress;

Good example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function validateAddress(array $address): bool
        if (empty($address)) {
          return false;
        if (empty($address["zipcode"]) || empty($address["housenumber"])) {
            return $this->validateAddressByAddressLines($address);
        return true;
    protected function validateAddressByAddressLines(array $address): bool
        if (empty($address)) {
            return false;
        if (empty($address["addressline1"]) || empty($address["addressline2"])) {
            return false;
        return true;

Make use of correct comparison operators


class RaceCar extends Car
    public function getInfo(): string
        return "I'm a racecar";

class Car extends Vehicle
    public function getInfo(): string
        return "I'm a car";

    public function setWheels(int $wheels): Car
        if ($wheels >= 4) {
            $this->wheels = $wheels;
        throw new VehicleWheelsException("A car has at least 4 wheels");
    public function setPerformance(int $performance): Car
        return match ($performance <=> 600) {
            -1 => $this,
            0 => $this,
            1 => new RaceCar(),
    public function getAverageMilesDriven(int ...$milesDriven): int
        return (array_sum($milesDriven) / count($milesDriven));
    public function getMilesDriven(): int
        return $this->milesDriven ?? 0;
    public function getDistanceDriven(): int
        return ($this->milesDriven ?: ($this->kilometersDriven ?? 0));

Preference for passing objects above plain data types

Bad example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function __construct(int $id, string $title, string $slug)

$newsArticle = new NewsArticle();
$foo = new Foo(

Good example


class Foo extends Bar
    public function __construct(NewsArticle $newsArticle)

$newsArticle = new NewsArticle();
$foo = new Foo($newsArticle);

Even better example


interface NewsArticleInterface
    public function getId(): int;
    public function getTitle(): string;
    public function getSlug(): string;

class Foo extends Bar
    public function __construct(NewsArticleInterface $newsArticle)

$newsArticle = new NewsArticle();
$foo = new Foo($newsArticle);

Use helper objects instead of global variables

Bad example


$title = (string)($_POST["title"] ?? "");
$referer = (string)($_SESSION["referer"] ?? "");
$search = (string)($_REQUEST["search"] ?? "");

Good example


$title = Request::getPost("title");
$referer = Session::get("referer");
$search = Request::getRequest("search");

Use an ORM instead of plain queries


public function getNewsArticlesBySearch(string $query): array
    $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder();
    $queryBuilder->select(["id", "title", "slug"])
        ->where("title LIKE ?", "%" . $query . "%");
    return $queryBuilder->fetchResults(NewsArticle::class);

Keep functions small

Bad example


class Order
    public function getTotal(): float
        $total = 0.00;
        foreach ($this->getOrderLines() as $orderLine) {
            $total += ($orderLine->getPrice() * $orderLine->getAmount());
        foreach ($this-getShippingCosts() as $shippingCost) {
            $total += $shippingCost->getPrice();
        foreach ($this->getPaymentCosts() as $paymentCost) {
            $total += $paymentCost->getPrice();
        foreach ($this-getDiscounts() as $discount) {
            if ($discount->hasDiscountPercentage()) {
                $total -= 100 - (($total / 100) * $discount->getPercentage());
            } else {
                $total -= $discount->getPrice();
        $vatTotal = 0.00;
        foreach ($this->orderLines() as $orderLine) {
            $vatTotal += ($orderLines->getPrice() * $orderLines->getAmount()) * $orderLine->getVatPercentage();
        foreach ($this-getShippingCosts() as $shippingCost) {
            $vatTotal += ($shippingCost->getPrice() * $shippingCost->getVatPercentage());
        foreach ($this->getPaymentCosts() as $paymentCost) {
            $vatTotal += ($paymentCost->getPrice() * $paymentCost->getVatPercentage());
        foreach ($this-getDiscounts() as $discount) {
            if ($discount->hasDiscountPercentage()) {
                $vatTotal -= (100 - (($total / 100) * $discount->getPercentage())) * $discount->getVatPercentage();
            } else {
                $vatTotal -= ($discount->getPrice() * $discount->getVatPercentage());
        $total += $vatTotal;
        return $total;

Good example


class Order
    public function getSubTotal(): float
        $subTotal = 0.00;
        foreach ($this->getOrderLines() as $orderLine) {
            $subTotal += $orderLine->getTotal();
        return $subTotal;
    public function getShippingTotal(): float
        $total = 0.00;
        foreach ($this-getShippingCosts() as $shippingCost) {
            $total += $shippingCost->getTotal();
        return $total;
    public function getPaymentTotal(): float
        $total = 0.00;
        foreach ($this-getPaymentCosts() as $paymentCost) {
            $total += $paymentCost->getTotal();
        return $total;
    public function getDiscountTotal(float $total): float
        $total = 0.00;
        foreach ($this-getDiscounts() as $discount) {
            $total += $discount->getDiscountByTotal($total);
        return $total;
    public function getVatTotal(): float
        $vatCalculator = new VatCalculator();
        $total = $vatCalculator->getSubTotalVat();
        $total += $vatCalculator->getShippingTotalVat();
        $total += $vatCalculator->getPaymentTotalVat();
        $total -= $vatCalculator->getDiscountTotalVat($total);
        return $total;
    public function getTotal(): float
        $total = $this->getSubTotal();
        $total += $this->getShippingTotal();
        $total += $this->getPaymentTotal();
        $total -= $this->getDiscountTotal($total);
        $total += $this->getVatTotal();
        return $total;